Avoid the Traps of Imposter Syndrome and Fulfill Your Dreams Already!
In this workshop led by Amy McGlinn and Leemor Ellman, you’ll learn how to identify and stop believing in false and damaging self-perceptions. Through fun and interactive exercises, you'll begin to see the inspiring and triumphant reality of what you have truly accomplished, so you can own your worth…so you can move on to accomplish even greater things. And so you feel less like an impostor and more connected to who you really are.
After 1.5 hours of workshop participation, you'll leave armed with:
A solid understanding of the complexities of Imposter Syndrome and the impact it has on your performance at work.
The concept(s) of your type(s) of Imposter Syndrome.
An understanding of your core beliefs around your work.
A trove of evidence that challenges your core beliefs.
Having practiced mindful self-talk and visual distancing in small groups you now feel prepared to use the techniques next time you are faced with Imposter Syndrome creeping into your thoughts.
A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to MEND - Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity (www.mendnj.org). This workshop is presented with sponsorship from Tracey Gutierrez Coaching (traceygutierrez.com). Click here to register or for more info.